- Trips to the library to meet various authors
- Annual school tour
- Celebration of Catholic Schools’ Week
- Participation in the Credit Union Quiz
- National Spring Clean
- Trips of educational interest
- School Mass
- Annual Sale of Work
- Celebration of Maths Week, Science Week, Chinese New Year, World Book Day, Seachtain na Gaeilge etc.
- Projects based on local history, family history etc.
- Visitors to the school from other countries
- Trip to Our Lady’s Secondary School in Templemore to see the show
- Literacy Lift-Off
- Go Noodle!
- Christmas Card Project
- Knitting and Sewing
- Halloween Fancy Dress Parade
- Christian Meditation
- Gymnastics Lessons
- Flower Arranging
- Cross Country Championships
- Quizzes
- Cheerios Childline Breakfast
- School Choir
- Samba Drum playing
- School Garden
- Writing and publishing of our school book ……….