eIn September 2017, Le Chéile 1  was opened as part of Scoil Naomh Cualán. There are six wonderful children in Le Chéile 1. The classroom includes a quiet area, a multi-sensory area, a trampoline,various large soft blocks for building and play etc. The children are very good at independent work and  have lovely stations to do individual tasks. Mr. Kennedy and his team of S.N.A.s do fantastic work with the children in  Le Chéile 1. Throughout the year, the class will get to enjoy horseriding, yoga, swimming etc. The class facilitates optimum inclusion as part of the school community with access to mainstream activities as appropriate.

Cafe Le Cheile

Cafe Le Cheile

As usual, Cafe Le Cheile was a huge hit in school today. For junior infants, it was their first time to experience the magic of it all and they absolutely loved it. We were treated to a cup of hot chocolate and some marshmallows dipped in chocolate. As a way of...