A carol service will be held in the Sacred Heart Church, Borrisoleigh on the 13th December. All the schools in the parish will be participating at the event. The children are busy here in Scoil Noamh Cualán practicing for the occasion. All children are requested to be in the church at 6.30 on the evening of the 13th. It is not necessary for children to wear their school uniform but we are suggesting that children wear a Christmas jumper if they have one. Looking forward to a very enjoyable evening.
All children will be going to see the pantomime Snow White on the 18th December. €20 due by the 6th December if not already paid.
Swimming will commence on the 9th January for six weeks from 2nd to 6th class. Cost- €30 for 1 child, €55 for 2 children and €75 for 3 children. Monies must be paid by 21st December.