Friday,31st September was a very emotional day in Scoil Naomh Cualán as Mrs. Mary Butler walked into the classroom for the last time.  Mrs. Butler was such an asset to our school and will be dearly missed. She has made an immense contribution to our schools and parish over the past 37 years and staff, pupils and community will miss her gentle, hardworking and inspirational presence which ensured that every child in her care was truly privileged and happy.  Mrs. Butler’s generosity of spirit was pivotal in the formation of Scoil Naomh Cualán and her dedication to our school can never be adequately acknowledged. We thank her most sincerely for everything and wish her and her family good health and every happiness in this new chapter in her life. Go néirí an bóthar leat, a Bhean de Buitléir!

The children wrote about all their special memories of Mrs. Butler and presented these in a Memory book to her. It was given to her by pupils from her last ever class and her first ever class. There was also a beautiful piece of bog oak presented from the Parents Association.