Our Annual School Sports Day took place on Thursday, 15th June 2017. A fantastic, fun-filled day was had by all. Some of the activities the children took part in were as follows: egg and spoon race, sack race, slow bicycle race, water and sponges race, three-legged race, welly throwing etc. The tug-of-war was also a huge hit with all the boys and girls. Thankfully the weather stayed fine for most of the the day. A lovely, refreshing ice-cream was given to all children after their very tiresome but memorable day.

Fouth class finished their ‘Super Garden’ projects over the last few days. The end products, which can be seen in the photo galleries, were simply brilliant. Although they weren’t ready in time for ‘Bloom’, we’ve no doubt but the children’s efforts were good enough to feature in the Phoenix Park! The creativity and imagination shown when working on their art project was excellent.

Our School Mass was celebrated on June 16th,  2017. Fr. Everard celebrated the Mass with the pupils and staff of Scoil Naomh Cualán and their families in the Sacred Heart Church at 10 a.m. The children’s choir and the beautiful prayers of the faithful and readings added to this special occasion. After Mass, everybody was invited back up to the school hall. Mrs. Ryan welcomed the guests of honour: Jody Spooner, Fr. Everard, Michael Ryan, Dan McCormack and Jimmy Finn. Jody Spooner was presented with a gift from the  Board of Management in recognition of his hard work and dedication  to the school while acting as chairperson of the Board. Fr. Everard was also presented with a thanksgiving gift from the Board in acknowledgement of his service as former Chairperson and current member over a long number of years. Michael Ryan (current Chairperson of the Board) presented certificates to the children who participated in the Peace Proms Concert. Mr. Small and Dan McCormack presented medals to the boys and girls for their sporting achievements this year. A word of congratulations was also expressed to our Credit Union Quiz All-Ireland finalists Conor, Lisa, Razuk and Tara and to Shane, who achieved third place in the Sightsavers Art Competition. Subsequently  Mrs. Butler spoke to the crowd about the Green Flag and the importance of maintaining work on the three flags we have acquired: litter and waste, energy and water. Following this, everybody went outside for the planting of the Confirmation tree by Fr. Everard, followed by the raising of the Green Flag by Jimmy Finn. To top the day off, Brian O’Farrell and his team prepared a beautiful barbeque for all present. A wonderful day was had by all!

Fourth class spent a morning  doing some very exciting Science experiments eg. Floating eggs, Walking on eggs, Mentos and diet coke experiment, swirly milk, making a tornado and gravity free water. Great fun was had by all the children!

An assembly was held during the last week of school to present children awards for various achievements. We were delighted to have had Dan McCormack present on the day to present the awards for sport. Michael Ryan , our chairperson also presented certificates to the children who were the best attenders in each class.

Third and fourth classes travelled to the University of Limerick Activity Centre on their  school tour on June 22nd. It was a fantastic day out for all the boys and girls of Scoil Naomh Cualán. The children took part in many various activities, some of which they had never tried before. These included: canoeing, rafting, spongee polo, wrecking ball, orienteering, swimming… A wonderful day was had by all in the glorious sunshine. The children stopped off in McDonalds on the way home for a well deserved ‘Happy meal’.