Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a lovely long weekend. I want to thank you all for the great work that is being done at home, both on Seesaw and in the children’s books. We seem to be getting the hang of it now and everyone is working very hard. Well done to all!
Below is a suggested scheme of work. As always there is no pressure to complete all of this work. Do as much as you are able for and in any order that you like. Ms. O’Sullivan and I will continue to put activities on Seesaw each day but this can do be done whenever you like. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at mslanigansnc@gmail.com or msosullivansnc@gmail.com.
Kind regards,
Miss Lanigan.
Third Class Numeracy:
Busy at Maths Chapter 23: Multiplication and division by 7
The book can be accessed on the CJFallon website. The link for the website is as follows:
Click ‘student resources’, then filter to the class (Third Class), subject (maths) and title you require (Busy at maths), making sure ‘Online Book’ is selected under ‘Resources’. This will display the book. The interactives (resources, click interactives) can be used to aid in understanding in what is expected and has some activities to do. They match with the page of the maths book.
Weblinks tutorial 73 and 74 are useful this week.
The pages from Busy at Maths will also be on seesaw and assigned to the pupils each day.
Number Facts: Unit 28: Multiply by 7
Mental Maths – continue onto the next week
Maths 4th Class
Mental Maths book and Number Facts to be continued.
This week we will be looking at Chapter 24: Pattern.
One page a day can be completed from the book orally or written.
Activities will be put on Seesaw, based on number patterns.
Third Class Literacy
Reading Zone Unit Unit 29 The Toy Catalogue
Read the catalogue and answer activities A, B, C and E
Spellings: Spellwell week 25
English in Practice to be completed daily.
Continue to complete Write Here book.
English 4th Class
Spellings: Spellwell week 25
English in Practice to be completed daily.
Continue to complete Write Here book.
Activities will be put on Seesaw but I will also include links to activities here.
Tuesday – reading comprehension ‘Summer in Ireland’
Wednesday – grammar – there, their and they’re
Thursday – writing – how to make soup
Friday – poetry
We will continue to work on Caitheamh Aimsire.
Rang a 3 – chapter 18 – An Bradán Feasa
Rang a 4 – chapter 18 – Cú Chulainn
Some activities will be put on Seesaw that will be based on the book.
Other activities from the book can be completed in their copies.
Tuesday – read story and answer questions in copy
Wednesday – listen to comhrá
Thursday – grammar and question and answer words
Friday – writing about your own hobbies
SESE (two weeks)
Unit 14 – Life in Medieval Towns
We will be learning about Japan.
If you go to https://my.cjfallon.ie/dashboard/student-resources and filter down 4th class – SESE – Small World – Small World Geography and Science and open the online book to Unit 13: Japan.
I will include some extra activities on Seesaw.
Small World Geography and Science – Unit 13: Sound
Read through and try experiments in unit.
Activities will be on Seesaw also.
If we had been in school, I would have been making dioramas of the rainforest with the children. We would have been using shoeboxes for the base and using different materials such as cardboard, crepe paper, playdough, pipe cleaners, etc. to make the trees and ground. They can also use leaves and branches from trees, pictures that they have drawn or anything else they think will add to their diorama. I will attach some picture of examples. If you would like to try these at home then please send me on some pictures of completed dioramas.
Alternatively the children can go to www.drawourheroes.ie if they would like to enter a competition.
First to 50 challenge
Rainbow Moments are all of those little moments during the day when good
things happen. Maybe you played a fun game, watched a funny movie, created
something interesting, had a nice lunch or dinner, noticed something beautiful in
nature – there are lots of good things all around us, even at difficult times in
our lives. We need to train our minds to notice the good things – our minds are
already too good at noticing the bad stuff!
Write three Rainbow Moments for each day on the sheet.
Give the song Danny Boy a go on the tin whistle.