On Tuesday 3rd of May, St. Joseph’s College Borrisoleigh were an anchor school for the Cycle Against Suicide, a charity organisation which promotes positive mental health and wellbeing. All at school Naomh Cualán were delighted to have been invited to take part in this very special and memorable occasion. At around half past eleven, the children and staff of the school went to the school hall in St. Joseph’s for some entertainment provided by the very talented pupils. The hall was beautifully decorated by the students of St. Joseph’s College. Just before one o’ clock all the pupils and staff of both schools, as well as parents and grandparents lined the streets of Borrisoleigh waving orange flags to welcome the cyclists from all over Ireland. It was a fantastic sight watching the hundreds of cyclists being cheered by the locals in Borrisoleigh. We thank the staff of St. Joseph’s for inviting us to their school and providing the children with an experience they will never forget.
Well done to all the children in third class who took the time and effort to research and learn about various aspects of outer space. The projects were beautifully presented and many thanks for the fantastic support received at home in creating their masterpieces.
Congratulations to all the children in second class who recently made their First Communion on May 29th. The ceremony was beautiful from start to finish. The children were so well prepared by their teacher Mrs. Slattery. Each and every child said their prayers, poems etc. perfectly. Their instrumental after Communion was absolutely fantastic. The school choir sang for this very special occasion.
May proved to be a very successful month with regards to sporting activities. We had marvellous success on the sporting front this year with our U-13 camogie team and the U-11 hurling team winning the County Finals in Semple Stadium on May 26th. The U-11 Hurling match was against Two Mile Borris N.S. while the U-13 Camogie match was against Moycarkey N.S. Congratulations to all involved.
We are delighted to have been selected as the launch school for the ‘Gum Litter Campaign’ in this area. This event will take place in the school on Wednesday, 15th June 2016. Seamus Hanafin will be the guest speaker on the day. There will be a tv camera on the day to cover the event as well as a photographer and local papers. E-GO bikes are being brought to the school for the children to try out. It is a huge privilege to be asked to be the launch school for this event. We invite all parents, families and any interested members of the community or community groups to the launch. The time will be confirmed early next week.
On May 18th, children from third to sixth class went on their school tour. This year the children were taken to Tayto Park, in Co. Meath. It was undoubtedly the highlight of the year so far. The children left Borrisoleigh at eight o’clock and arrived at the park just after ten 0’clock. From the moment they landed at the entrance gates, the children were kept extremely busy all day. They thoroughly enjoyed all the attractions including: Zip Line Extreme, Tayto Twister Slide, Sky Walk, The Rotator, Cú Chuainn Coaster, Power Surge, Air Race, Climbing Wall, 5D Cinema etc. The day was completed, of course, with a bag of Tayto crisps for everyone!
First and Second class had a wonderful school tour on Tuesday 24th of May. They went to the Lets Go camp in Delta Limerick. When they arrived they were split into 2 groups and were taken off to enjoy a wide variety of activities. These included a wrecking ball, an assault course, double slide, spider web, wobbly ladder, air mountain, zorb balls, disco dome and roller racers or spinners. Everyone had a fantastic time.
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