Jim Whelehan, School Photographer will visit the school on Monday morning, next, May 21st. Should you wish to avail of the opportunity to have your child/ children’s photograph taken he will be happy to oblige. There is no obligation on any family to purchase photographs taken on the day. Even if you do not wish to have a personal photograph taken of your child we would ask that you please ensure that he/she is wearing his/her full school uniform on Monday as the photographer will also take class photographs. Should you not wish to have your child photographed or included in the class/group photo, please inform us through a note in his/her diary or directly to Clare.
We are happy to inform you that we received two generous donations towards our ASD Unit, Le Chéile, recently. Inch Youth Drama Group presented us with €2,000, proceeds from their production of Fortunes and Misfortunes and Borrisoleigh Drama Group presented us with €500 following their production of A Wake in the West. The funds raised through both of these events will be used to buy I.T. and sensory equipment. We also very gratefully acknowledge the Track Attack donation of €1,220, proceeds of our Get Active with Scoil Naomh Cualán evening in February, which are being used for learning and sports equipment to benefit all children in our school. We realise that none of this would have been possible without your support for all these ventures and thank you and family members for your generosity. We also acknowledge the play equipment which we received from families who were finished with items earlier in the year. It has been a great help to all our junior pupils. Now that the weather is finally picking up children can be outdoors more, our ASD Unit would be delighted to receive a few safe pedal toys which some families might be finished with. Small vehicles are a wonderful aid to co-ordination development and great fun for children, so, if any family has such an item at home which is no longer needed, we would be delighted to hear from you.
Our Voluntary Evening has been a great success over the past two years and our subsequent success in the Tidy Schools’ Competition each year has been a marvellous tribute to the generosity of all who have come along and given of their time and efforts for the good of the school and community. The voluntary effort by parents and family members has been of great assistance in cutting maintenance costs and has thus allowed us to subsidise extra activities for pupils and purchase resources. We hope to hold another Voluntary Evening this year and will inform you of day and date very soon. We will watch the forecast and co-ordinate the date as best we can to ensure that it does not clash with other activities. We look forward to meeting those of you who can spare a few hours on the evening and to working side by side for the good of our children.
Ní neart go cur le chéile,