Seachtain na Gaeilge took place in our school in the run up to St. Patrick’s Day. We celebrated Irish language and culture throughout the school. Music lessons based on traditional Irish music were held with our music teacher, Avril on the Monday. She even did some singing as Gaeilge with the children. We encouraged the  children and staff to use their teanga ó bhéal throughout the week speaking Gaeilge chomh minic is féidir, making a special effort to speak Gaeilge on the yard and in the classes. We did lots of singing and learning poems through Gaeilge along with lots of fun games in our classes throughout the week also. On Thursday, we held our annual Tráth na gCeist to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge .We held  a Lá Glas on Friday,  March 15th. A céilí was held in the junior yard which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. A huge go raibh maith agat to Mr. Kennedy for playing the music for the céilí. Bhaineamar sult as Seachtain na Gaeilge i SNC.