Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope you are all keeping well during this unprecedented and stressful time? I am fully sure that if we all heed government and HSE advice everyone will come through this safely and we will be back in school and reconnecting before we know it.
When we got word from the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar on Thursday 12th of March that the schools would close that afternoon, our teachers prepared work for the children for up until the 29th of this month. It is clear now, that the school closure is going to extend for a period of time after the Easter holidays. With this in mind our teachers have been preparing some more work for the children to work through. These schemes of work will be uploaded on the school website in each class page over the coming days.
In order to complete some of the work the children will need books that are still in school. Our teachers have been in and have put the books together in individual bags that have been labelled. It was our intention to arrange staggered pick up times for parents towards the end of this week, however HSE and governmental advice is, that this week is a crucial week for social distancing and “flattening the curve”. Taking cognisance of this, I will monitor advice from the HSE, government and Dept. Of Education and arrange a pick up schedule at the earliest and safest opportunity.
In the mean time the children can continue with the work that has been set out for them and as I said this work will be supplemented by our teachers over the coming days/weeks. We will also be adding links to useful websites etc. that the children can explore at their own pace. All updates will be on our website.
However, I want to make it very clear, I understand that we are going through unprecedented times and I’m very aware of the stress that all families are under. As a school we do not want to add to this stress and the work we are sending home is only a suggested scheme. It is impossible to replicate the classroom at home and don’t even attempt to. Do as much as you feel you and your child/ children are able for. PE can be covered with playing outside and hurling, music can be singing songs and practicing playing their instruments, Literacy is reading and enjoying books, SESE is nature walks etc. To support you at home we have set up teacher emails. You can contact your child’s/children’s teachers for advice on any particular topic you are covering at home and you can also contact the school at the below email. Please email your child’s teacher so they have a contact for you, thanks.
General enquiries:
Junior Infants:
Senior Infants:
First Class:
Second Class:
Third and Fourth Class:
Fifth Class:
Sixth Class:
Le Chéile 1:
Le Chéile 2:
Learning support:
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the very best for the coming weeks. We are here to support you throughout. Take care and mind yourselves. Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Michael Small and Staff.