On Tuesday last 6th class started off the day by paying a visit to Templemore Garda Station.  Garda Kelly showed us many interesting things such as the cells and the intoxilator.  Garda Stapleton explained to us how finger and foot prints are taken.  Many of the boys and girls were fingerprinted.  Following our visit to the Garda Statiion we went to Templemore Garda College.  We were met there by Detective Reynolds.  Detective Reynolds showed the children how to march properly and showed us around the college.  We also went to the musum in the college and the 6th class got to dress up in the different Garda Uniforms while learning about the history of the force.  We then continued to the Devils Bit.  All the children reached the top and enjoyed the fabulous view from the mountain.  When we decended the mountain Mr Small had a delicious barbecuse cooked for us all.  We had a wonderful day out and many of the 6th class may be Gardai in the future!!!!!.