All roads led to the Marian Hall on Wednesday 9th December and Thursday 10th December 2015 as Scoil Naomh Cualán hosted two concert nights. The Junior School performed two concerts the first night. Ralph the Reindeer was performed by Juniors and Seniors, while first and second class performed The Donkey Seller. On the Thursday night, the senior school performed Cinderella. Both nights were undoubtedly the highlight of the year so far.Each and every child took part in the concerts which were amazing! The atmosphere in the hall on both nights was electric. The singing, acting and dancing were praised immensely. The talent that we have in the school is exceptional. Children from juniors to sixth class are already looking forward to the next concert.
Although all classrooms were extremely busy preparing for the school concerts, the teachers still made time for lots of fun activities in the lead up to Christmas such as: making centrepieces for the dinner table, making dioramas, making candle holders, Christmas songs and dramas, wreath making, fabric and fibre Christmas pictures, cooking of brownies, gingerbread houses and even Christmas dinner. It surely was an action packed month. We are all now looking forward to a very peaceful and happy Christmas and New Year. Please God when we come back to school in January, Santa will have come to us all!