Cumann Na mBunscol offer GAA equipment at a reduced price to primary school children. Please find details below.
Name ___________________________________
Helmets – Mycro (see note below regarding colours)
Mini: No________ €35 each Cost_______
Medium No_________€35 each Cost_______
Colour _____________________________________________
Size 26 No._________________ @€8.00 each Cost________
Size 28 No._________________ @€8.00 each Cost________
Size 30 No_________________ @€10.00 each Cost________
Size 32 No._________________@€10.00 each Cost________
Size 3 No._________________@ €4.00 each Cost________
Size 4 No.________________ @€4.00 each Cost________
Hurling Gloves (Mycro) Please state size: Small or Medium
Right hand No._____@€10.00 each Size ____________ Cost________
Left hand No._____@€10.00 each Size ___________ Cost________
If you wish to place an order please put your order and payment in an envelope with your child’s name and class on the outside by the 1st March. (If payment is by cheque please make it payable to Scoil Naomh Cualán.)
Helmets come in various colours: black, blue, green, red, yellow and white. Also, two-tone: pink/white, yellow/purple, yellow/black and red/black. These helmets also come in all the above colours faded.
Date ____________________