First and foremost it is an honour for me to take up the post of principal in Scoil Naomh Cualán. I look forward to working with you all in my capacity for many years to come. We have a vibrant and welcoming school community and working together we can continue to grow and develop our school. Ní neart go cur le chéile. Please find below upcoming school events –
- We are looking forward to a very enjoyable celebration on Friday night for Mrs Kay Ryan and Mrs Mary Butler. We are hoping that as many families as possible will attend. Choir members (4th to 6th class) are requested to arrive at the church by 6.45. Every family are asked to bring a donation of confectionery on the night. Anyone who still wishes to contribute towards the gifts are asked to contribute by Wednesday 7th
- Shoe boxes must be returned by Wednesday 7th
- We are going to the pantomime in Limerick on the 18th Cost is €20. This includes transport cost and admission to the show (this trip is being subsidised). All monies must be paid by Friday, 7th December.
- Parent teacher meetings will take place on the 21st and 22nd If you know that you will be unable to attend on that date or request a certain time slot please contact Clare on the school mobile (086 0233023) on or before Wednesday 7th November. We will do our best to accommodate where possible.
- We hope to commence swimming lessons in the new year for 2nd to 6th Cost will be the same as previous years. €30 for 1 child, €55 for 2 Children and €75 for 3 children. We need to know numbers by tomorrow so as buses etc can be arranged. If your child/children are not interested in going swimming please return the slip below by tomorrow.
_______________________ is/are not interested in going swimming.
Signed _______________________
Micheal Small and Staff