Our celebration of Grandparents’ Day in previous years lingers as one of the highlights of our school year. This year we will celebrate Grandparents’ Day on Thursday, January 30th and we invite any grandparents who are in a position to attend to join us.
Our celebration will be held in the Sacred Heart Church in conjunction with the 10.a.m. Mass. Children will sing, play and pray for and with their grandparents at the ceremony.
We are really looking forward to joining with these special people in your children’s lives to celebrate the gift of love and family and to remember those who cannot be with us. All pupils will remember all their grandparents, living and deceased (RIP), in their butterfly pictures which will be displayed in the school.
After Mass we will adjourn to the school and grandparents are welcome to visit their grandchildren’s classrooms and have a photograph taken should they so wish. Should a grandparent have grandchildren in both the senior and junior school and wish to have a photograph taken with all of them together, please let us know by Thursday, January 23rd, by completing the slip below with the names of all the grandchildren who you wish to include and we will organise for the senior children to come to the junior school for the photograph. N.B If all grandchildren are in single or junior school only there is no need to fill in this section.
Following this we invite all grandparents to cup of tea in the hall of the Junior School. All pupils will receive celebratory refreshments in their individual classrooms on the day and we respectfully request that grandparents do not bring their grandchildren to the hall or bring refreshments from the hall back to the classroom for their grandchildren as this is unfair to children who are not fortunate enough to have a grandparent present on the day. We are grateful to our Parents Association for assisting us with this and so many other events during the year.
In order to facilitate arrangements it would be most helpful if we could have an indication of the numbers who will attend on the day. Therefore, we would be grateful if families who will have a grandparent/ grandparents attending could fill in the slip below and return it to the school by Thursday, January 23rd, please.
Many thanks for your assistance,
Micahel Small and Staff.
Pupil(s) _________________________________________________________
No. of grandparents attending: _______________________________________
*Combined junior/ senior group photo required? (please circle) Yes / No
*Names and classes of children to be included (if applicable): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________