Junior infants, Senior infants and Le Chéile are going on their school tour on the 14th June to Kidstown in Limerick followed by a trip to Nenagh fire station.

The children will come to school at the normal time as bus will be leaving at 9.10 and we hope to return to school at 3.15.  If there is a significant time delay in returning to school a text message will be sent out.

All children must wear their school track suit and bring a packed lunch with plenty of drinks with them.  Before leaving Kidstown the children will have a lunch of Chicken nuggets/Sausages and Chips.

The total cost of the tour is €20.  Payment for the tour is due by the 1st June.  If you know you’re your child will be unable to attend the tour please notify the school as soon as possible.  Looking forward to an enjoyable tour.