On the 1st of October, 3rd to 6th class went to the Cross Country Competition in Thurles. All children who participated did really well. A special congratulations to Danielle Ryan (fifth class) who won a medal on the day.
On the 10th of October, we had our Cheerios Breakfast in the school to raise money for Childline. All classrooms were decorated like five star hotels. We raised €425 in total for Childline. We would like to sincerely thank all our sponsors.
All children from 1st to 6th class travelled to Templemore to see Our Lady’s production of ‘Beauty and the Beast’. It was a fantastic show and everyone really enjoyed it. Shane Maher in fourth class won a prize in the colouring competition for the superb picture that he created.
Children from third and fourth class took to the kitchen last week and made delicious chocolate brownies. They were a great hit and tasted scrumptious.
During October, the whole school participated in Maths Week. We played many mathematical games such as stile, bingo, telling the time, cards and draughts. However, Maths Week is not the only week that we enjoy fun Maths games. Countdown, Last Girl Standing, Beat the Clock and quizzes are all enjoyed on a weekly basis.
This year all children in the school are taking part in a Christmas Card Project. All pupils from juniors to sixth created a design for their own unique Christmas card and it will then be printed. This was such an exciting activity for all the children to have been involved in.
Children in the older classes really enjoyed pumpkin carving before the Halloween break. They came up with fantastic designs for their pumpkins.
Scoil Naomh Cualán was a really scary place the day of the Halloween holidays. Children dressed up in their Halloween costumes. We had ghosts, vampires, witches and pumpkins.