Scoil Naomh Cualán


Dear girls and boys, parents and guardians,

I hope that you are continuing to keep well at this unbelievable time. I want to thank you all for your fantastic efforts in keeping connected with the school and working so hard on our remote learning programme. Our teachers are doing unbelievable work providing on line lessons and activities and I thank them for their professionalism and dedication throughout this time.

Today’s announcement from the government on the lifting of more restrictions is another step on our journey back to normality. From a school perspective we are still waiting on guidance to be issued on the safe opening of school for the new school year.

At this stage we would normally have issued our booklists for the coming year but we are waiting for the guidance before we plan for the year ahead. When the children return in the autumn, we will be revising the work that would have been completed in the summer term for a number of weeks at least. During this time, we will issue the new booklists with insurance, photocopying, book rental etc. included.

Unfortunately, due to the school closure our school tours did not go ahead, if you had paid the tour money, this money can be used to go towards the booklist. If you need to contact us about this you can email the school at

In the coming weeks you will receive the end of year reports by post. Please ensure that we have your correct postal address (e.g. In case you have moved house).

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the children in obtaining our newest ‘Green Flag’ for the theme of ‘Travel’. In particular I’d like to commend our Green School Committee mentored by Mrs. Kenneally who worked extremely hard keeping the whole school up to date on our efforts to obtain our new flag and to retain the three flags we have already received. Comhghairdeas libh!

As we fast approach the end of the summer term the work being set by our teachers will be more informal and I hope you all enjoy our virtual sports week next week! I look forward to seeing all the videos and pictures of your sporting exploits at home!

Enjoy the good weather and stay safe.

Le meas,

Michael Small