Welcome back to school and Happy New year to all pupils and families.  We hope that you enjoyed the break and look forward to a happy and positive year ahead.

The school milk scheme starts on Monday 14th January and will continue until the 12th April at a cost of €8.00 per child.  The cost of milk for this term has been reduced due to a subsidy from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine.

If you wish your child to receive milk please return the form below together with the money in an envelope with your child’s name and class on the outside on or before Thursday 10th January.  If payment is by cheque, please make it payable to Scoil Naomh Cualán.

Swimming will commence on Wednesday 9th January for six weeks for children in 2nd to 6th class.  All outstanding swimming money must be paid by tomorrow.    Below is a list of items required for swimming.

Swimming togs

Swimming hat

Swimming goggles (optional)


Plastic bag for wet clothes

Spare change of socks

Please label clearly all items of clothing belonging to your child to minimize any mix up in the changing room.  If your child requires arm bands please ensure these are inflated at home.

If your child forgets to bring home or loses their note, all notes are on our school website www. scoilnaomhcualan.ie. Please check the website regularly to ensure that you are kept informed of all school events.  

Please note that participation in this schemes is entirely voluntary.


I wish my child, ____________________, to avail of Thurles Fresh Milk.

I enclose payment of:  €8.00                     Signed ______________________