As you are aware 3rd to 6th class are attending the Peace Proms in Limerick next Sunday, March 3rd.

Please take note of the following –

  • Children will need to be at the senior school at 9.00am.
  • If your child is unable to attend on the day you must send a message to the school mobile on 086 0233023.
  • Cost of the bus is €5 and must be paid before Thursday, 31st
  • School uniform must be worn. White t-shirt/shirt and navy bottoms.  Children’s coats/tops must be labelled.
  • Parents are not to park at junior side of the school. This space must be left available for the buses.
  • Children will need to bring a lunch. This should be in a lunch bag that can carry both their lunch and a drink.  No lunchboxes or rucksacks.  All lunch packaging will be disposed of in a bin.
  • Seating for the audience is not allocated.
  • The concert commences at 1pm.
  • The concert lasts for approximately 2.5 hours. This includes an interval.
  • Parents have the option of going home from the concert with their parents. If you wish to bring your child home with you from the concert please complete the slip below and return it to the school by Wednesday 27th  Children going home with their parents can be collected from Mrs Slattery in court 5.
  • We expect to return to school at approximately 5pm.  Again parents are not allowed to park at the junior school.

Looking forward to a very enjoyable day.

Michael Small and Staff




I _______________________ Parent/Guardian of ___________________________

will bring my Child/Children home from the Peace Proms.