Hi all,
Welcome back to school for Term 3 in 5th class. It’s a little different to usual proceedings but hopefully we’ll make remote learning as fun as possible!
Thank you for your email correspondence to date. Once you receive your Home Learning Code for Seesaw, please navigate around the app to learn how it works. I will be putting up small tutorials, answers to questions, offering advice etc throughout the week to help you as required. This week is very much an introductory week for Seesaw, so I hope to keep it as simple as I can.
I have also attached this week’s Plan of Work. It is in line with textbook work we would have otherwise undertaken in class. Please note, what I have proposed is just a guide for your child to work through. Only make an attempt to complete all if it is manageable for you and your family during this difficult time away from school routine. If it helps you further, I have attached a timetable which may keep some form of school routine to your day. Again, this is completely optional.
Stay safe,