Excitement is mounting throughout the school in anticipation of a great evening at the Track Attack / Get Active with Scoil Naomh Cualán event Friday evening , March 8th.  The order of events are as follows.

Registration in Pavillion at 6:15pm

Womens and teens  Mile @ 7pm

Primary School Mile @ 7:20pm

Mens and Teens Mile @ 7:40

Prize Giving Ceremony and refreshments  : Community Centre post races.

All runs will be ran within the park. Please meet at the Pavillon for directions to the start. We are extremely grateful to the support of the Track Attack team again this year who have continued to give so much support to Scoil Naomh Cualán and of course our Parents association.

The entry fee on the night is € 5 for adults, €2 for U18s and   € 10 per family. All proceeds are kindly being donated to  Scoil Naomh Cualán.  All are welcome including non- track attack members and other children .

Please note there is a league match commencing in the Park ar 8pm so where possible we are encouraging people to park up the street and walk down. The pavilion will be open for registration.  As always we hope this will be a very enjoyable event as it was last year so please supervise children particulary around the carpark before,  during and after the event.

Enclosed you will find your child’s number and a list of the children on their team. Your child should wear the number on the front of their running top where it will be visible on crossing the finish line. Children should memorise their number in the event of it going missing on the night. It is not nessecery for teams to meet together prior to the run.

Le gach dea ghuí

Michael Small and Staff