Dear Parents,

I hope that you are all keeping well. Thanks so much for your participation and engagement with Seesaw and the home activities so far. I am aware that it must be time consuming and hope that you know that the activities are just a suggestion. If you cannot do them each day that is no problem. 
If you can only get onto Seesaw occasionally, you can choose to complete some activities as you see fit. As I upload them daily, they build up pretty quickly over the course of a few days. If you have any queries or problems, please let me know at 
I know that there are lots of wonderful things going on at home and I love seeing photos of anything that you are getting up to! 
I have attached the weekly and daily outline along with some of the activities mentioned. There is no need to print  any these. Some like the poems and the sequencing will be on Seesaw, or can be used as discussion pieces without printing. And I will be making my own tricky word bingo and roll and make maths activity with paper and pen.

Links to reading/activities mentioned in the daily outline.

Maths: Roll and make   There are some great games on the topmarks website for practicing number skills.Underwater counting                                  Teddy bear numbers

Reading: en family Build reading skills by reading repeated pattern words(word families). If your child would like books to read: Phonics readers on SPELD SA  I have attached 2 readers from that website: mick_and_sam         zak_hid_from_dad


 This week we are revising the long oo and short oo sound. This can be tricky so I have attached a read and reveal powerpoint where your child reads the word then clicks again to show the picture.Short oo-Long oo powerpoint

Staying Healthy

Maths and Staying healthy Worksheets